Blog Building -Phew!

Last Update: July 27, 2010

Yesterday I spent all day from 7.00am through to 6.30pm trying to get another Blog up and running. What a nightmare that was, it's still not

My idea was to create a single Landing Style Page from a Wordpress Blog.

I had my Product and Keyword Phrase (this is a physical product from Amazon).

Marketing physical products is exactly the same as marketing digital.

I am currently using Wordpress 3 with the addtional Directories activated which makes it a Multi-Blog (similar to WPMU).

I had the Keyword Phrase sorted, URL sorted., the Theme is a Premium Theme which makes it so much easier to edit and alter. It doesn't need the additional SEO Plugins because this is already part of the Theme.

I wanted an image which was a clickable link but the image had to be created from scratch. I spent 4 hours using Gimp and finally got what I wanted.

If you want Image Manipulation Software then Gimp is up there with the Best and the Best part is it's Free. (GNU Licence)

As for content, I tend to write on the Fly in other words I very rarely prepare this beforehand, means I can get more done.

Have several Tabs open in the Browser and read sentences then re-write in my own words, plus I make sure it looks as if it had been written by a real person and not just a salesman.

(I should add that in between doing all this I would take a look on WA as well.)

After this I was making adjustments to the Theme and sorting out the Background, also activating and editing the plugins I use.

Well by time 6.30pm appeared in the bottom corner of my screen I knew it was time to stop and I had to go to the Supermarket as I needed some groceries.

I will finish off this Blog today then I will start on the Backlinking and Bookmarking, throw a few articles at it, then leave it alone for a week.

My Goal is to build 10 of these.

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ana_nimoss Premium
Just reading along what you did makes me tired! Time for my snack, too!