My Queens Diamond Jubilee Party

Last Update: June 02, 2012
I have been running around like a headless chicken for the past week because of the planning of the Party for the Queens Diamond Jubilee.
Currently we have over 30 people attending so far and the list on whose getting what keeps on
I now have all the burgers and sausages.
All the Cider for myself. (everyone brings their own alcohol)
Plus a large bin to fill with ice and water to keep the cider/beer/lager cool. (most important this is)
Plus we have all the bunting, flags, table cloths, beakers, serviettes and straws with the Union Jack on.
All the salad stuff, rolls and the gas BBQ's sorted out, plus making sure we have enough gas, last thing you want to do is run out!
Gazebo's, tents, tables and chairs are sorted.
Not forgetting a Bouncy Castle for the kids and some of the adults.
Numerous super soakers if the weather is nice, again not just for the kids!
Plus we have a contingency plan if it rains, which it's bound to!

On top of all this and when I have the time, I have been posting reviews to my sites.
Researching this and that, answering emails.
I think I'm going to need a holiday when it's all finished............LOL



PS: If anyone else is having a Queens Diamond Jubilee Party, have a brilliant time!

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Bigman Premium
Had a fabulous time, the weather was a bit iffy to start with but did brighten up later on in the afternoon.
Copious amounts of alcohol was consumed and I had that dull feeling the next day.
Unfortunately we couldn't have the Bouncy Castle because of the rain.
But it's amazing what can be achieved with balloons and
Now looking forward to the next party!!
BIS Premium
Neil - I hope you, your loved ones and friends all have a really fab time. It sounds great.
Gail Hough Premium
I am married to a Brit who probably wishes he could have a party like yours, but since it smacks of colonialism here in South Africa, we'll resort to watching the festivities on TV. Enjoy!
veronica.l Premium
Have fun :)
TduhT182 Premium
What an awesome occasion!, I look forward to watching from across the pond. Cheers Neil