Ill Health Forces Me To Leave.

Last Update: August 13, 2012
Hello to all my Friends here on Wealthy Affiliate.

Unfortunately I have had to make some tough decisions over the last week or so and that means leaving WA.
I get things back on track and yet another spanner is thrown in the works.

At this moment and time my health is far more important to me than I thought last year after losing my Sister to Cancer, she was only 41.
I have lost many of my friends over the years who were a lot younger but when it's your own family it makes it so much harder to come to terms with.
I am still not over it now and with my own health being between a rock and a hard place I just can not concentrate on anything.

A day at a time I have been trying and have lost count of the number of times that I have been buried in a bottle. (I don't drink spirits only Cider these days)
But at times I lose days, it's a terrible admission to make but no point in me lying about it.

Until I can come to terms with what happened to my best friend in the whole world, which is still really emotional for me to write about, even now.
Coupled with my own problems which are not getting any better I just cannot carry on.

Google killed off my 3 biggest money making sites which hasn't helped matters either.
Two I didn't renew the domain names and the third is being left to expire as well.
Four years of work gone!!
All because I used Backlinks which Google didn't like.
20,000 server error's is something I just cannot fix.

I have one website left which is only 3 months old and hasn't been corrupted with anything.
In time I will get myself back where I once was, but it isn't going to happen for sometime.

My aim was to be a millionaire by the time I was 50, now at 51 I am fast approaching poverty which is no joke.
Still at least I still have my sense of humour even if I have nothing else.

This isn't really "goodbye from me" but until "we meet/chat again".

Take Care


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Ty Johnson Premium
I'm sorry to hear about your sister and about your health. My prayers are with you and I hope you can return soon. You will be missed while you're away.
lisawells Premium
I hope' it is of some comfort to you that people you don't even know do care about you and what you are going through. Hang in hour to hour as best you can. We are all in this together; please take the best care of yourself that you can!
fishing Premium
Sorry to hear Neil, you will be missed here at WA..
You have helped me out on numerous occasions and I thank you for the assistance...
Life can be a hard mistress at times Neil, roll wiht the punches, I know easier said than done....hang in their man you can overcome....
Awaiting your needed return, all the best to you Neil in your recovery.....:)
Sherion Premium
I can understand how you are feeling. My mom meant everything to me. She died almost 3 years ago at the age of 95. I had been taking care of her the last 20 years of her life and the last 5 years was the hardest. I wish today that she was still here. It has been like I said almost 3 years. It does not hurt as much as it once did. But, I had to think of myself and what was I going to do with my life now that she left me physically. I put physically for a reason. You see she is always in my heart. My mom would have wanted me to live my life to the fullest. She also was my best friend too. Look around you do have other friends. You need them and they need you. Don't get stuck where you are at. Your purpose on earth is not completed yet. Find your purpose. You have many gifts that I have seen here at WA the past 2 years that I have been here. You have shared knowledge here that is really good. You started your IM business once before and you can do it again. I have heard many people losing everything to only come back and do it all over again and come out better than what they were before. I don't mean to minimize what happend to you though. It sucks. But, you of all people still have the knowledge to make a "go" of it again. Some are just starting and know nothing. I am still learning. So, you are ahead of a lot of us already. If you want to PM me and I will keep in contact with you and give you a email to contact me. Also, one other thing that might help with the loss of your sister. Sit down and list all of the reasons why she would want you to make the most of your life. It works. And read it everyday. It helped me with the loss of my mom. I wish you the best and know that you do have other friends. I hope to see you back here real soon, although it would be better if you didn't leave at all.
Best Wishes To You!
joeknight Premium
hey bigman, sorry to hear about your problems. Idoubt you remember me but I have communicated with a few times over the last 2 years or so. I hope you get on tract soon because your one of view in WA that really reached out to me and understood where I was coming from. I know what it like to lose your close family members(really makes you feel alone in world) and definately know how stressfull it is being one step from poverty(Iam there right now) I wish well and good luck, my heart and mind is wish you to come threw all these adversities you are faced with. I really hopw to hear from you again soon and with good news, take care...