Campaign Walkthrough

Last Update: July 08, 2011

Have some good news the Campaign Walkthrough that I am doing is moving along nicely.

The amount of work involved is amazing as I seem to be doing everything in duplicate and sometimes triplicate but I do hope my fellow readers are getting the gist of what's involved.

If you haven't taken a look here's the link; 

Please feel free to leave me Comments on what I have done so far or anything that I haven't covered.

Or if you have any criticisms.




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Nice Idea and certainly helpful for those of us that are still unsure of some of the steps and work required. Thank you!
kyle Premium Plus
Cool stuff Neil!
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks for doing this Neil, I will follow along and see what pearls you have for us. This place just gets better and better. Sounds like you may want to coordinate with Jay as it sounds like he's doing a video version. Perhaps the two of you can create an exceptional learning experience.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Neil.
Joe McB Premium
Neil, thanks for putting this together. Gold for you brother.