EU Cookie Directive 2012

Last Update: May 16, 2012
This Directive comes into force on the 26th May 2012.
Unfortunately all webmasters have to comply because it's the Law.
It applies to all Member States of the European Union and websites outside the EU are required to comply with the Law if they are targeting Member States.
For example;
A site based in the USA that sells products to consumers in the UK, or has a French Language version of its site aimed at users in France.
If you don't comply the penalties are severe, with a maximum penalty of £500,000 for non compliance.

Check this site out -

For a better explanation visit this site -

Customise Cookie Control -

And finally the wordpress plugin -


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Bigman Premium
I do not understand this - Well directives which come from the EU are supposed to be transcribed in to local law.

Local Law - What Local Law?

In the UK there is only one version of the Law, we have no such thing called the Local Law.
The only differences we have are the types of Court used whether it can be tried under a Magistrate Court or a Crown Court.
Pobman Premium
This directive is such a complete farse. Firstly we have to remember that EU directives themselves are not laws, an EU directive has to be imported in to local law. This in itself generally results in the laws of one country not being the same as the laws of another, and translations etc. all come in to play.

I don't believe the true implications of this directive will be understood until legal test cases have taken place to establish whom it really applies to. I am not going to list them here but the number of variables with regards to company ownerships, domain suffix, hosting, registra, billing system etc. is huge. In its broadest sense then any website that uses cookies comes under this rule, and that clearly could never be enforced.

Personally I believe if this ever gets tested in court only those who have a base in the EU, and perhaps those who have EU domain names will be included in that definition, will ever see any issues from it.
Bigman Premium
Kind of strange that it seems to be the "Law".

However nobody is forcing you to participate.

I live in the UK and have to whether I like it or not comply with Laws that were originated from the European Union.
But I have come across many websites which are displaying something about the Cookie Directive.
Some of these are Global Corporations.

Therefore what you may think is a complete "Farce" to others is not!

And as for shutting an online business down, that is really easy to do if you live in the Western World.
Pobman Premium
Well directives which come from the EU are supposed to be transcribed in to local law. Until that point they are not law just directives, the countries in question could be fined for not implementing the directive in to law but thats about it. At the time this went live in the UK several EU countries (Belgium, Cyprus, Italy, Malta, Poland, Romania and Slovenia to name a few) had not implemented this in law at all yet, and as such the directive has little meaning in those countries.

Even when it is in law each country implements it differently. The plugn you use for instance is perhaps OK for the UK, we have to say perhaps because such implied consent has not been tested in a court of law yet, while in Latvia it would not be acceptable because they require almost cookie by cookie direct consent. On the other hand Spain simply requires the user to accept cookies within the browser options itself, no need to display a warning or anything so you would be covered by doing nothing at all.

It is a farce not because it is a bad idea, but simply that it has not been defined well at all and it will require court cases to actually show who is covered by what.

For those interested in seeing how this directive varies between each country there is a nice PDF guide here