About Bigpoppa728
Joined December 2008
Hi Guys,
My name is Chris, and I'm fairly new to the internet mrketing game. I look forward to working with all of you on Wealthy Affiliate. I did my research, and I haven't found too much negative feedback.

About me:
I currently work as an HR Manager in Arizona. I'm recently married to a wonderful woman with 2 children from a prevoius relationship.

With the economy being the way it is, I would very much like to start an online business, and I can't wait to get started with WAU. I would appreciate any help I could get from anyone willing.

My goal is to start making at least $40 a day within a month's time. Can anyone tell me if that's a realistic goal?
I would appreciate all feedback.


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klrrider Premium
Hello Chris and welcome to WA. $40 a day in a month? Possible...

click the pics to reply and get buddies!
Maverick Wil Premium
Hey Chris, welcome to WA. $40 a day can be done within a month if you work like a dog ;) Not impossible and in fact has been done by many others in here. Just make sure to get through all the articles/tutorials in here first to get the big picture and you'll be able to plan your strategy.
TJ Books Premium
Welcome! Now work your tail off to learn to earn. There is no other way. I like your goal. Fight for it! Let me know when you make it. John
bigpoppa728 Premium
Thanks for the great advice Shawn. That's exactly what I will do!
bigpoppa728 Premium
Thanks Dave, I'll do that!
