About Bluecloud
Joined July 2008
I'm Cloud Siah, from Singapore. Started to focus on Internet Marketing with my wife in April 08. Till now we did earn some cash. However, we still did not achieve stable income. I would like to get knowledge from here and achieve our goal to financial freedom.

My Other interest is Practice Martial Arts, Drawing, Reading Comics, and Programming.

I wish you success.
Bluecloud's Accomplishments

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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
RedRose Premium
Welcome to WA. How do you like it so far? Do you practice a particular discipline of martial arts? What do you like to draw? Good luck in your IM journey. Hope to read about your successes really soon!
Crag Premium
Welcome to WA! Good luck with achieving your goal!
Crag Premium
Hey bluecloud. How is everything going? Keep in touch
Crag Premium
Hey bluecloud recently I have been mainly doing research on niches and I am starting to articles written. I haven't done a lot of work, I have done less than I have wanted to, but it is moving along.
Crag Premium
Hey i just looked at your squeeze page. Let me know how it works
Crag Premium
Sound great! you definitely have the right idea. right now my article writing is going slowly. I haven't found my style of writing quality articles. My articles have good content, but the way they are laid out is not very good. Thanks for asking! Good luck with your campaign. It definately looks better than your last site.
Best Wishes
bluecloud Premium
Hello Crag, Thank you for dropping me a note, I wish you success too. Is Good to make a break through. We are working on Online Biz. The only way to communicate is by dropping message across, and it needs practice.. I am also new. We shall grow together. Cheers!
bluecloud Premium
Hi Crag,
I had just finished set up 2 website, on of which is a preset website by WA. I had setup both for autoresponder. You may comments on it. Thanks. What are you busy with recently?
Best Wishes,
bluecloud Premium
Hi Craig

Currently i focus on Internet marketing, which consist of many small component. I will be modified my squeeze page and do the testing on getting my leads. After that i will introducing them all my programs bits by bits in my followup emails. In this way i can help educate my subscribers and benefit in my own site. Squeeze page and followup is my base of the business, as such, i can concentrate on other things to build the business.

How is your Article writing now? What is the topic you are concentrating now?

bluecloud Premium
Hi Craig,
Thank you for the encouragement. Will keep on improving on the website and starting to write articles. Hope you will find your way of writing soon.
Jacob Premium
Welcome to WA Cloud Siah, I hope you achieve the freedom you are looking for.
bluecloud Premium
Hi Jake,
I wish you success in WA, and achieve your desired income within 3 years.
Wish You Success!
Cloud Siah