About Blustraggler
Joined September 2008
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Golotia Premium
I feel you on the job thing. I feel the same way. People always want you to do stuff for them but never do stuff for you in return. When you do deny them, they make it seem like a grievous crime. Even when I lost my job, people would come to me looking for something... with me getting technically nothing... or they owe me and never pay.

So.. I joined forces with a friend who was actually going through the same thing. Now we feed off each other and push forward.

You speak of your surroundings, I believe that as well. So I ask... is your situation at home stimulating to your success and how? I'm curious as I'm battling with this myself.
Golotia Premium
My friend and I never bothered with facebook. He recently created an account and as his friend talked him into it.... for business purposes! So, your tut comes as quite a lot of guidance thank you!

"In the military"?... Are you like one of those "only when needed" elite super soldiers\assassins? Call and Kill?
Like a female Rambo or Fembo!

My friend and I are in our twenties and we both live at home. It's the best deal ever! Although you do contribute to the household, it's pretty cheap so all money goes towards building your dream. Treatment can be ignored and pent up frustration can be dealt with through an underwear clad session of punch dancing!

Also, its best to respond on my "buddy talk" if I didn't notice your new blog... I would not have seen your response. I love your idea of a mobile office.
Now Stop Day dreaming you SLACKER!! Summer is almost here!!! Your Goals Must be Met!! DO YOU GET ME!!!
*lame military impression*

If you're not aloud upstairs after 10pm... you don't want to be up there. Trust me! You may be scarred by what you see or hear!
Golotia Premium
Nice update! Although I noticed Myspace still pwns when it comes to unique visitors.
So yet another angle of attack! It's good to have your bases loaded, ep when playing a world series ;)
Golotia Premium
Wow.... That was nostalgic.
Is there book that, all parents quote, when talking to their kids?
Then again, are we pre-programmed to tune out when they start lecturing us?

"Moral of the story. I have finally broke the bottom. I have absolutely nothing to give nor show for the last few years of my life." - me too

We're pretty much in the same boat. Except someone else is paying for my WA membership and I only got 8 days left, since he is sharing our boat >
Golotia Premium
Oops, forgot to say... "Oh man I cannot stop! I love this stuff." -that's how I know you'll succeed!
You need to have the passion\drive\desire to CRANK yourself up and keep going! Don't let up! (Just like the movie!)
Golotia Premium
Thanks we're working on it! We're launching the website tomorrow. If I do go it will be temporary!
Golotia Premium
"I sure as heck don't care of what those people want to believe or say to me. I have slowly lost conntact with people. I just mind my own business and quietly pound away on my computer all day." - Sounds like someone I know.

Careful not to try too hard. It happens easier than you think! Trying too hard is usually a bad thing.
Golotia Premium
Our site is an example of trying to hard!
It's done. Looks good! Works good! Loads of Advertising Space! Although, it does tend to be a bit long winded when updating. There also a couple of small glitches that picky people like myself will find.

So we'll upload it, market it and reconstruct it so that by Friday all will be Good! Reconstruction is pretty easy and very quick ^_^. Already have the script! So copy | paste | copy | paste | Delete | Delete | Delete - that's a relief!

Umm... I think you need this... *Hug*
Golotia Premium
I don't know if you know about this...
It's a landing page automatically generated in the "Website Center" Area of WA. All the products are in the same niche. This is the kind of thing Marcus has a sticky about on the forums. I thought maybe you'd find it interesting.
Golotia Premium
Yeah never heard of the band... not really my style to be honest. They sound good though. How's the facebook thing going?
Golotia Premium
Welcome baaaaaack!!!
Golotia Premium
Weeellllll... All is not good in Gol-Girl land! I rather screwed up I didn't get the job done last week on the article marketing for WA. I counted my weeks wrong previously I actually finish on Monday. I will be back though, since we do have a few job offers, which means money, excluding the campaigns we designed. If I can get my article done by tonight, I can market it tomorrow and hopefully get 2 sign-ups by Monday, that is my hope for now ^_^.
Golotia Premium
Umm yeah.... whole day everyday....
blustraggler Premium
Oh I get it...I have to respond on YOUR buddy talk, not mine. Like duh!

I just added your friend on facebook. He was like "Golotia wanted me to add you as a friend but not sure why" I chuckled and said "well I am a member of WA that maybe the reason otherwise I am a decent person"

lol Yea your impresssion is good. Get more angry and use more CAPS!!!

p.s. I am updating the tutorial, there was not enough information for my friends to use. I hope it helps even more. Thank you for commenting on it!
blustraggler Premium
Hey Golotia! Whats up?

I wrote a blog and I think you would enjoy the satire humor. ttyl ;)
blustraggler Premium
What 8 days left! Are you kidding me?

Please stay! I really hope you can make it work for yourself. Let me know what I can do to help you succeed.
blustraggler Premium
hey!!!! Still here huh? J/K
blustraggler Premium
Oh Golotia you are the best! I am sorry I know that I am trying way to hard. Then I get all weird about everything. Total lameness. Enough about me How's the site coming?
blustraggler Premium
That is so good to hear Golotia! I am so proud of you!!! I would like to see it when you are are ready to show me. I have decided to focus on Promoting WA and earning a trip to Vegas. I have never been to Vegas and I love WA so its easier for me to be excited about it all! Thanks for the hug...much needed...**giant hug** back at ya!!!
blustraggler Premium
Hey! yea I will check it out in a bit. Thank you! Did you know about this band? I am a huge fan check them out!!! http://www.myspace.com/ellisonemusic
blustraggler Premium
Its decent. I am restructuring the page. But I did finish 1 squidoo lens last night and I found Squidoo to be fun actually. Thats all for now...Keep on Keepin on!
blustraggler Premium
Thank you. I can say its good to be back on WA. I did not have internet for a week which was a nice break but now its back to work!

How is your stuff going? I am excited to hear about it! Missed you talk to you soon!
blustraggler Premium
Yea get that stuff done girl!!! I talked with fin and we have some plans in the works for a page on facebook. Super excited about that. have you talked with him at all?
PhillyE Premium
Hey Kathleen,
It's my pleasure!! My name is Eric. I 'm so glad that you enjoy them. I hope you are having an awesome day!!
dave-min Premium
hi luv the picture of the castle
blustraggler Premium
Hey!!! Thanks for the comment... and good to see you on facebook too. We will be in touch!!! talk to you soon!!!
DavidSchmidt Premium
Hi Kathleen, just wanted to stop by and say hey. Your dog is awesome! He looks bigger than you...lol I added you on twitter ;) Cya!
DavidSchmidt Premium
Very nice blog post Kathleen. And your absolutely right!
DavidSchmidt Premium
Thank you. The Meridian one rocks! But the blogspots suck and were made b4 I joined! But I am learning ;) Never been much to write articles or blogs, but with everything I learned here so far, I will use to change them.
DavidSchmidt Premium
Hey Kathleen! How are you doing? Working hard? ;-)
DavidSchmidt Premium
Kathleen, love the picture of the castle. I have an original oil painting of that castle in Germany in my collection.
DavidSchmidt Premium
Well as you know I am building my little empire one day at a time....lol I am marketing articles like crazy, backlinking as well. My dating site is going. I just built another site here ... http://www.ezinternetmarketingstrategies.com but need to add content to it. Just made it. Also I made a new squidoo here: http://www.squidoo.com/Signs-And-Symptoms-of-a-Panic-Attack Can you look at it and tell me what you think? Its my second one and if you like it can you give it a thumbs up? ;-) Cya!
blustraggler Premium
Hey David. How are you? Now we are connected on 3 different sites. On facebook my partners and I are creating a members only page. Would you like to join? I will post a link when we are done working on it. Thanks have a great day!!!
blustraggler Premium
Thanks David. I am just being real with myself for once. I discovered a few things.
YeahI just checked out your sites. They look good!
JessicaL86 Premium
Nice profile update. Hit em hard chicka! :)
JessicaL86 Premium
well thanks very much. I'm glad I could inspire. =) I plan on adding more blogs so stop back by...
blustraggler Premium
Hey Jessica!!! I really like your approach, it is unique and quite inspiring to me. Thank You!