ok here we go

Last Update: May 07, 2010

Hey, it's Kathleen....just wanted to share my story with you. This post is for me too so I can review it occasionally and be reminded.

A few years ago I was sitting in my parents basement scouring the internet for ways to make money and all that jazz.. For days I scanned through forums, websites articles and even bought a few scams from "guru's"

  I knew there was something out there that was real. I came across WA and researched the heck out of it. There was little negative to say so I decided to take a chance. Since I knew nothing I figured I could learn something.

But then I just sat on the information (not literally...lol..) for a long time. I did not take the action of what I was learning. I was unable to pay monthly so I had to cancel. Then I got some money and bought a yearly package for 2009...and what did I do? Sat on the info again...still learning but not doing. 

 Fast forward March 2010...still not making money (because of lack of action) My good friend told me to try this myleadsystempro thing. He said well your not making money at WA so what do you have to lose? I said well kinda true. So I went there for a few months until the other day when I cancelled ( if you want to know my feelings about MLSP ask me.)

So once again I feel like I am in the same boat I was in a few years ago. However a few things changed. I am more than determined to make this work now. ACTION is the only thing that will get me there and I am ready.

 PROVE THEM WRONG!!!  Alot of people don't believe in me or care so I will do just that. Prove them wrong that I can make this work and I will. 


ok gotta go get to work. 

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jatdebeaune Premium
Sounds like now you are really ready to charge forward. Happens that way sometimes. Go get it Kathleen!