Authority Site Or Niche Site?

Last Update: May 23, 2012
I am a little stuck in the direction I should go. Niche Site or authority site? I would like to start out with a niche site just to get the feel for how this is done before I move on to an authority one. But yet if I go with the niche site I don't want to rely on that one site.

I am currently promoting a MMO product. I have made sales here and there (free methods) so I was thinking of sticking with this making this into an authority site.

I know I need an actual site but I don't know which direction I should go..
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jpnetco Premium
Jay is doing a wabinar this fri. on building an authority site. His wabinars are fantastic training grounds and I am sure you will find your answer there.
Deezdz Premium
I'm looking forward to Jay's WAbinar. I've been focusing on niche sites simply because I'm not sure what "niche" I would want to spend time on developing an authority site.
BIS Premium
Like Sielke I would recommend a niche site. However, you can go for an authority site immediately - but it may well take longer to build up the sort of following your want, particularly if you're trying to learn so much yourself at the same time.
slayton1s Premium
My site at can help you. ;)
slayton1s Premium want to learn everything before you do it. Or you'll waste over $100 in domains like I did and waste a lot of other time building on sites that don't help you.
Sielke Premium
If you read my blog post earlier. I suggest going with a niche site if you are just starting out. Its much easier to handle and get a grasp on things. Once you do though definitely go with an authority site that is supported with niches sites. If you're just learning I don't think you should be relying on IM at all, keep it a learning process. Thats just my opinion.