Posts by BradB 7 It's not an affiliate link but it does lead to some of the best training on site building, making WPExpress look like a waste of time, and SEO made stupidly easy. You can search forever in here but will never find this caliber of information. And it is FREE.  
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October 13, 2010
See ya around the great big WWW. Stop being gullible and do your own numbers alone without the hype. $$$$  
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Do you honestly want to begin making money by ONLY working "Hard & Diligently" on what is working???? While avoiding the kind of information fed to you in such a way that you need to stay on hoping for more........... Then Go to the Warrior Forum,.......JOIN.........then pay the $37.00 ONE TIME fee and join the War Room. Then get to work on what you learn there. And be prepared for the fact that it is very different advice than you are finding in here. Take good care of your educ
October 02, 2010
Hi to you all.  I wanted to make available some Wealthy Affiliate domains that would be best used by you guys.....Though I've used them elsewhere. Especially squeeze pages. I know Marcus has said that these are not the best choice for,..I forgot his reason,...but if you do some checking with Status, Degree and Plus I believe you might s
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Hello everyone......  I wanted to ask a question here because I read something that has raised a concern to me and since Kyle and Carson are usually unavailable until Monday I thought someone in here may know. Is it true that if I renew my years subscription this month that I will be paying the new price??? I joined 2009-05-21. I found this in the forum from before last June. From Kyle. The Good News: (1) You will not be subject to any price increases as you will be grandfathered in at the
September 07, 2010
I have a little update on my use of that WordPress Express deal here in WAP. I don't know what has changed , maybe my using Bluehost and building another couple blogs and a site there has added to my knowledge,..... Anyway I built a page to promote WA,...when I find time,.....HA! And it took me about 15 minutes. It still didn't become live for many hours but what the HEY! I still have to nail down a pile of things that will just take some goofing around here and there like what is my theme to en
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August 10, 2010
Hi from Brad. I accidentally deleted the posts that were here before. Sheesh!!!! Seems like every membership site has to have machines with different controls.... And even though I work with this computer everyday I still find myself avoiding the need to learn more tech stuff. I know I know it is a learning block that I need to get over...........I will........soon,..ish.  Anyway long story short......... After many many,...way TOO MANY hours fiddling  with the blog building tools her
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