Domain Fire Sale

Last Update: October 06, 2010

Hi to you all.

 I wanted to make available some Wealthy Affiliate domains that would be best used by you guys.....Though I've used them elsewhere.

Especially squeeze pages.

I know Marcus has said that these are not the best choice for,..I forgot his reason,...but if you do some checking with Status, Degree and Plus I believe you might see different.and besides if you can write could even make people believe that a domain like say, represented an ecommerce store,...ha ha ha just kidding that could never happen.

See what you think and let me know.

I hate to let the WAPlatinum one go,..I really like short little domains,..but I can't think of how to apply it anywhere but here.??

Have a great day.


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jatdebeaune Premium
Another good buddy leaving? I feel sad.