About BranLan17
Joined July 2009
My name is Brandon Landis and I'm a 17 year old internet addict of sorts. While playing online games such as Age of Conan last year I discovered I had a knack for article/blog writing and creating video submissions of various events. Through making some money via adsense I decided I wanted to delve into something a little more serious while still putting my strong suits to work. After a few months of research and poking around, WA looked like the best option :)
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gracech Premium
i hope you have a great success with Wealthy affiliate! Have a good start !
northkedzie Premium
Hi good start good luck.
jmeagher Premium
Hey Brandon. Your tutorials have been mighty helpful! ONYA
Terry Neal Premium
Welcome Brandon, good choice sounds like you got a great head start
Terry Neal Premium
Hello Brandon, nice to see you here today!
BranLan17 Premium
Hey there, just added you as a buddy and I really appreciate you taking the time to post on my page and if you have any advice whatsoever or information you think would be helpful, I'll appreciate the help so just pass it my way and I can probably offer a WA gold piece for your thoughts. By the same token, if there is anything I might be able to help you with please let me know, it's all about building I network... and so I begin :)