The fool and the gentleman

Last Update: April 15, 2010

I need to learn how to think on my feet.

In dealing with most situations, the ability  to think on your feet is most beneficial. With the web constantly changing, this ability is a must.

Let me relate this incident at the Possum Trot grocery store. Possum trot is about 10 miles north of here near Pigeon Roost.

Now this store is famous for its watermelons and folks come from miles to buy them. Most people buy more than one. Bubba is the handyman there and he is responsible for stocking the shelves etc.

One day a man came in and ordered half a watermelon. Bubba was outraged! He never heard of such a thing as half a watermelon.  Bubba proceeds to the back of the store to the watermelon storage and takes one and is talking to himself. A co-worker sees his red face and asks him, "Bubba why are you so mad?"

That sent Bubba into a tirade and Bubba did not notice the co-worker left the scene and was replaced with the man that was buying the half of a watermelon.

Bubba continued his tirade about the fool wanting half a watermelon, not knowing the man was next to him.  He continued on and suddenly the man asked Bubba why he was so mad.

Bubba looked up and saw this was the very man that ordered half a watermelon and he responded.

"Well sir,  some darn fool ordered half a watermelon, but thank God you came in to buy the other half.  Thank you for being such a fine gentleman."

Bubba thinks on his feet and goes with the flow.

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