Will the dogs eat it?

Last Update: April 17, 2010

I have signed up to try to sell almost anything.

Bubba relates a story that he heard back in the 70's.

A big dog food manufacturer was having a sales meeting and the CEO was firing up the sales force.

He yelled, "Is this the greatest company in the world?"

The sales people shouted back, "Yes!"

He yelled "Don't we have the greatest sales force in the world?"

The sales people shouted back, "Yes!"

The CEO kept going and had the sales force cheering and shouting and getting more excited each minute.

Finally, he asked, "Then why are our sales of dog food so bad."

A quiet man all the way in the back stood up, and the whole assembly was still, and he said,  "The dogs won't eat it."

I need to make sure what I am proposing, someone actually wants.


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