Day 3 Complete

Last Update: July 24, 2012
I picked a niche (standup jet ski's). Its something I enjoy doing. I think I will do some riding tomorrow to get some insperation before I start with day 4 material. I am using this blog as a personal journal that I can look back at when its time to make a decision about membership. I have been exploring the site but trying to keep it simple. I dont want to become overwhelmed with information. I still can't find the registration button for the live webinar. Is it only available to new members? No matter because I have access to all of the old ones. I don't know enough at this point to seek out specific training. The 10 day course seems to be guiding me in the proper direction. As it becomes more technical I'm sure I will have questions. This will be a good test of my ability to navigate the site and seek out answers to my questions. I've been gaining followers and in turn following others. My rank has gone from a six digit number down to a three digit number. It makes me feel like I am accomplishing something but I don't yet understand what it will do for me. I recieved another "Jaaxy" email. I wish they would leave me alone until I am done with my 10 day trail. I am also recieving emails that give me tasks. They are different from the taks I've been completeing with the 10 day trial. I am trying to accomplish both, but todays email had a couple of links pertaining to sharing that did not work. I tried to do a search but was not successful in locating the subject matter. I refuse to promote WA until I know it works. At this point I am still not sold. If I have confidence in a product I can sell it to anyone.
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@RICH. Premium
I wouldn't take much notice of anyone's WA numerical ranking, I think it's more a reflection of an individual's activity on the website than anything else. I'm a noob, but I'm in the top 100, probably because I blog, chat, comment, etc. a lot. Rich.
jpnetco Premium
Standup Jetski... wasn't he a famous Russian comedian? lol Welcome to WA sounds like your right on track with your training and taking it slow is wise, many if not most people get in a big hurry and then get frustrated and quit. WA is a great product, but you'll discover that on your own. Just stay connected and interact with folks here, and always ask if you have any questions, people here are happy to give.