You don't know what you don't know

Last Update: August 19, 2010

Yep that is how i feel right now.  I have become a supper affiliate, set up my funnel blog but wow everything takes forever............

It feels like a full time task just keeping track of what has been done, I guess that means I'm doing something, or even a lot, but so far no results.

I did get to the first page of google using 'keyword techniques' as my keyword but does not seem to have made any difference to my world, not yet anyway.

I have learned so much but the crital question that i am struggling with is the who - who am i targetting with my efforts?

And I have probably ignored the 'focus on one thing' message, i am running several campaigns, or at least trying to.

But i am still a believer ... i will get there eventually.




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Labman_1 Premium
Check out my post from October 15th on the 4 levels of learning. I bet you can relate. I have found Microsoft one note to keep track of my activities to be quite helpful. It comes with uSoft 7 if you have that operating system.