Weekly Internet Marketers Meetup!

Last Update: November 15, 2009

Hello WAU Team!

So here is the deal......

We will be meeting every Thursday @ 7:30 PM PST / 10:30 PM EST

These meetings are mainly for those that are new to internet marketing or know just enough to be dangerous, if you know what I mean..:) I want to be sure that if you are new, and you feel kind of alone and need support and motivation from a small group of people with the same vision and goal in mind, then this is perfect for you!

Our general format is relaxed, anything and everything goes. If you have questions or just want to meet fellow marketers that's fine, we would love to have you!   

We also have a Facebook page that has been created that is only for members of this Thursday online group (which is created to help you even more)!

All of this is 100% FREE, the only thing it costs is your time and effort!

If you are interested in the group, please contact me in one the following ways below so I can get all of the registering information to you as soon as possible. one of the following people by PM through Wealthy Affiliate below:

Send PM / Email Me

If you have any questions I would love to hear from you!

Warmest regards,

Fred Williams, Jr.


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Barnabus Premium
Excellent, I'll mail you later on today. Sounds like a plan.