Which Niche?

Last Update: November 10, 2009

Hello Team!

I had a question or thought that I was wondering if anyone would enjoy piping in on. Being new to internet marketing, I do not want to over load myself to much. I have noticed that you can become a "Super WA" by getting people to sign up for the program like I did and build a residual income that way. 

My question is this: Would it be better to go with this and learn the ropes and then jump into a niche that I like? Or do my niche first and then work on becoming a "Super WA"? Or do I just do both?

I hope that this makes since and someone on the team can give me a little more direction on what it is that I should do and the direction that would be best for a newbie.

God bless,

Fred Williams, Jr.


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Healthchampion Premium
Hi Guys!
As far as deciding on a nich I am reminded if what the tell aspiring writers "Write what you know somethig about". What do you love to do, what do you spend the most time doing, what do you read about, what type of TV shows do you watch. What ever you choose, make it something you would be happy spending the rest of your life doing.
By your photos, I would think you would be intersted in babies and raising a family. Wow, that's a wide open subject. and I'm sure there is some "niche" about it that you do extremly well
Solve a problem or make something fun or educational or entertaining. You are living your niche bringing life into the world.

See you in Vegas,
