About Ivana
Joined November 2007
For those who stop by...I wrote this on Nov. 12 2007

"My name is Ivana. I am a mother of two wonderful children and happily married. I really want to have the flexibility to work when I want from where I want. I have had a successful business before in real estate industry, but I cannot do 16 hour days any more.

I am hoping to move to Europe next year (2009) with my family, and that dream is what is keeping me focused. "

Now it is April, 2009 and I am looking for a place :) Dreams do come true, you just have to keep focused! That is the hardest part. Life does get in the way! You cannot keep on doing everything! Start to outsource some of it get an over seas assistant! But it is possible ;)

Ivana's Accomplishments

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josima Premium
Thank you for the free information on building eBay Niche Store. I just started your course and it will take me some time to actually build anything (I'm really new to the internet marketing). But I appreciate that you took time to give these free information to others, to benefit from it. I'm giving you my gold for it and when I finish your course I make sure to leave some feedback for you. Thanks again,
P.S. As you can see we have similar names. I'm originally from Poland.
Christie G Premium
I thank you with all my heart for the gold Ivana. I have returned it back to you. Please see my post in the forum for an explanation. Have a great day.

Keep Smiling :o)
caronia Premium
I read some of your post, hope everything is going well in Croatia, all the best for you and good luck! I am also new at this and I would love to have more time to do it, but slowly my dream will come true.
ivana Premium
Hi Steph, it takes a little time to figure it out, but it can be done even with very little work. ;)
farzana Premium
i am really excited to check your website
ivana Premium
Hi Farzana,

I am excited for you too :), now the best thing you can do is find 5 products you bought for your childern that solved some problems, and go ahead, promote them! Simple as that!
Shortazz Premium
Hi Ivana
I browsed your 7 Step Affiliate Success Plan and I look forward to putting it into action soon.
ivana Premium
Welcome to WA and I thank you for visiting my site. For many it takes a long time to get to understand the affiliate marketing, and it really should not. All you have to think of is a friend of yours who has a problem, and recommend a product for the solution. Now take that example, and turn it toward your online business! p.s I will be offering some free copies of my guide to WA members :) stay tuned!