Posts by CallMeJustin 2
August 17, 2012
Just wanted to share a little what has been going on with me so far since I have joined Wealthy Affiliate. First of all as I began my free trial I was kind of hesitant if this was the right thing for me. Then I realized that I had access to loads and loads of amazing information that would cost you thousands of dollars trying to piece it together somewhere else and then you are still left not knowing how to use or put the information into "action." So as for this guy, I realized what was availab
August 14, 2012
Im new here and I have been going through lesson after lesson and I have learned a lot so far. Right now I am getting into the article writing and I am just a little confused on how this works. I have made my website, nothing much on it, but I have it up. I am seeing that I need to be submitting my articles to these article directories and linking back to my website. But maybe I am just over thinking this way too much, but what information should we have in our blogs on our websites if all of ou