
Last Update: August 14, 2012
Im new here and I have been going through lesson after lesson and I have learned a lot so far. Right now I am getting into the article writing and I am just a little confused on how this works. I have made my website, nothing much on it, but I have it up. I am seeing that I need to be submitting my articles to these article directories and linking back to my website. But maybe I am just over thinking this way too much, but what information should we have in our blogs on our websites if all of our articles are being submitted to directories. I also have been watching WAbinars and I have been watching these mini sites being created. Is that the approach we should take or is that just one route out of many? Hopefully this makes sense to someone and you can help me out. I just need that " Ohhh, I Get It " moment right now!
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BIS Premium
Hi - Welcome to WA

I don't know how long you've been a member but it sounds like now that you're suffering from information overload. I don't know whether you are following your first ten days or the programme that follows this. If you're not I would suggest you do and at the moment I would limit the amount of time you spend trying to take on even more information.

To answer a couple of your queries:
1. Websites: Some people have one website that they focus on and some people choose to build multiple websites which are much smaller such as the ones you have seen on the webinar. My view at least for the first few weeks while you are learning what is going on you are better to concentrate on a single site.

2. Writing articles and website content. - You will want to create some pages or posts for your website., which will provide information for you visitors. You will also write some articles and submit them to a directory like street articles which will have links in back to your website and help to drive more visitors there.

Where you go from now? Follow the instructions on the first ten days (if that's where you are) and start creating content.

Hope this helps

Best wishes

CallMeJustin Premium
Hey Beverly, thanks for breaking it down like that, I am definitely taking on too much at one time and mixing it all up lol. Makes a little more sense now.
kyle Premium Plus
You should definitely be submitting some of your content (I would say 50%) to your website. You should build out your website with valuable content and this is where you can also create promotions for products/services that are relevant to your niche.

Your articles ==> to your website.

Since articles get good rankings, this is a good way to get traffic. The content on your website will also get ranked as well, so these are two excellent ways to get traffic. Don't reuse the content though on both as this will be considered duplicate content which is not good for SEO rankings.
CallMeJustin Premium
Thanks Kyle, that definitely makes more sense now.
kyle Premium Plus
No problem, glad I could add some clarity! :)