Posts by Canoz 2
I've been fiercely protecting my personal Facebook. I wanted to post appropriately to my friends and not spam them (or even give a hint of distaste).  I've been sharing articles and squidoo lenses in passing and not joining too many other FB pages that will clog up my window.   Good news though! I've just set up a PUBLIC page: It's for all you guys who want to like me (even against your strongest intuition....hehehe). I can post my St
February 03, 2012
I'm very amused to find I have my very own blog space here. Before I decide if it's exciting, horrifying, interesting, overwhelming or "aaauugghhh, ANOTHER THING!!" I decided to jump right in and try it out.   I've just finished with 6 weeks of school holidays. It's the first year I've been pleased that it's over so I can focus again and wouldn't you know it I've had visitors coming and going for 3 weeks straight!   Good thing I'm my own boss! So now I'm here to pic