Oh look what's here!!

Last Update: February 03, 2012

I'm very amused to find I have my very own blog space here. Before I decide if it's exciting, horrifying, interesting, overwhelming or "aaauugghhh, ANOTHER THING!!" I decided to jump right in and try it out. 

 I've just finished with 6 weeks of school holidays. It's the first year I've been pleased that it's over so I can focus again and wouldn't you know it I've had visitors coming and going for 3 weeks straight! 

 Good thing I'm my own boss! So now I'm here to pick up the pieces. Perhaps a better way of thinking about it is to say I'm here to pick up the reins! Yeee-haaaa.... here we go again.  

 Now the challenge will be to discover if I can come back here another day.... 

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