About Ccmusicman
Joined June 2008
Well, it's time for an update...

I'm now 26 - and a FULL TIME INTERNET MARKETER! Woohoo!

I've been full time for almost 6 months and it's great. I live on a sandy beach in Lajolla Califor...no wait, that's Frank Kern.

Anyway, I actually live in a corn field in the middle of Illinois. I'm now married to a beautiful girl who is still in school (I dropped out to pursue IM full time...and I'm 10 times happier because of it!)

My goals is as follows:

- 6 Figures a month by Christmas!

- Move out of Illinois and someplace WARMER

- Have children

- Start seeing about getting my music into a movie...that would be sweet.

I love product creation and selling. Those are my strong points. I HATE driving traffic and the monotony of it all. Outsource those puppies straight away!

Thanks for visiting my little space!

Go make lots of money.

Ccmusicman's Accomplishments

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firedragon Premium
Hi Rob, just wanted to let you know that I am glad that I met you. It is a pleasure to learn from you :)
robbied Premium
Hey, my nemesis :) Just wanted to grat you on outdoing me in the Gold race! Good Job! Keep it up - I love competition.
- Rob
robbied Premium
Thanks mate! When it rains - it pours! BackLink Agent is doing awesome for me!

ccmusicman Premium
Haha, yeah...and I'm not even sure how I've done it really...I haven't released ANY share zone tutorials in forever and my posting on the board has been SLOW. Oh well, lol...I'm sure you'll catch up and over take me!
ccmusicman Premium
Looks like you're beating me again in the gold race...harhar

Anyway, I would give you some gold for your accomplishments, but you don't need any!
prodigyJJ Premium
Thanks for the gold buddy.
ccmusicman Premium
No problem! Good luck in all your IM ventures!
silverlotus Premium
I hear you ccmusicman,. Welcom to Wealthy Affiliates.
That's an honorable dream and I think it's quite realistic. Maybe you can promote your music on the website you build here.. Do you already have one? WA I'm sure will be an excellent resource to help you realize your goals. If I can help let me know and good luck to you.
silverlotus Premium
HI ccmusicman,
IM was totally new to me when I joined Wealth Affiliates. Still working my way thru the steps laid out in the 8 week plan. Everyday I get more clear about what I need to do and why in order to get the most out of this opportunity. In some ways it's like learning a whole new language for me. I made a committment to stay on it everyday until it's second nature. The rewards here are far greater than monetary value alone. I'm sure you will find that to be true too.
silverlotus Premium
Hi ccmusicman,
What does PPC mean? Smile. I don't know all of these things yet. So I guess it's fair to say that I think I started with Bum Marketing, reading it I mean. But I may have started with PPC and I just don't realize it. I need somebody who knows how to FTP. Do you know how to do that? I have to laugh at myself and just shake my head writing this. If I took myself too seriously I'd be in a world of frustration right now. Seriously. How are you doing.
silverlotus Premium
Oh yeah, that's right! Now I remember. This is not second nature to me quite yet. Since you have so much experience already, you should check in to Alexa Data Services. It's covered in week 3 I think of the 8 week Action Plan. Great resource for testing your product viability. Hope that is helpful. By the way you can also write me on my PM so we don't take over the WA Space page with our chat. That's the Contact this User click on your WA Space toolbar.
silverlotus Premium
Nice Niche ccmusicman! Congratulations on your resourcefullness. I'm happy for ya.
ccmusicman Premium
Thanks for writing!

I'm really glad I decided to join here, I'm already floored by the shear amount of info here! How is the business for you?
ccmusicman Premium
Yeah, same here, just started for the most part and committed to learning everything I can! Are you going to focus on bum marketing or ppc at first? I'm doing PPC cause I like the faster results, whether good or ill! lol
ccmusicman Premium
PPC is pay per click, which is what you do when you put ad's up in google or yahoo's adwords. Those are the little ads on the side of the search engines when someone types a keyword in the search bar. lol, believe me, you would know if you were doing ppc cause you would be watching the money drain from your bank hopeing to God that you were going to make a sale! ;-)

I know somewhat about ftp, WA has a few resources to help you upload your website onto hosting servers. I think they recommend cool ftp, but i could be wrong. I just use dreamweaver to get my sites up. It has an internal ftp transfer that will post changes to files on the server.

Did you have specific questions about ftp? I know a bit about it, and a bit about IM'ing, tho I've not had much success. I use PPC yahoo and google, but I have yet to make a profit. All my campaigns have made sales, but not enough to outweigh the advertising costs I accrue. Most of the time I just break even. So hopefully learning what I can at WA will change all that!
Open4Biz Premium
I've used your article method and it's awesome!
ccmusicman Premium
Awesome, glad to here it! Be sure to check out my article/keyword tracker if you don't already have a method set up of your own!