About Charlieandcathy
Joined August 2009
Hello my name is Charlie and I live in California, I work full time and do some Internet Marketing in my spare time. I really want to learn things here at WA University and was a member before but got frustrated and left.

Now I am back and here to stay this time as I am more wiser than before and I know it takes time for things to happen and there is a learning curve everyone must go though.

I have great support from my family and friends and I do believe that I am in the right place to learn things.
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Recent messages
Maz Premium
Hi Charlie and Cathy
Thank you for the message and advice. Good luck with everything. If I can help you with anything just say the word
Best wishes
Maz Premium
Yes me too, writing, writing and more writing lol. I am having a rest today though, spending time with my family.
charlieandcathy Premium
Thanks for the reply maz. I have been busy lately writing articles how about you?
charlieandcathy Premium
I am impressed with the new look at WA, its really good now I just have to get to know how to use it :0)))
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hey charlieandcathy: Welcome to WA! I hope you are doing your 8 week action plan right now. Also stick to the forum daily. If you have any question let me know, OK?
charlieandcathy Premium
Hello Rodrigo thanks for replying, yes I am just starting the 8 weeks course and waiting for my next email, I have my blog setup but I am a bit confused on whether to write "Posts" or to write my articles on "Pages" what do you think?...
babyboomer20 Premium
Hi there Charlie, welcome to WA, it is great to see you here!!
It is wonderful to connect with like minded people...I always enjoy meeting successful people and sharing information and ideas and seeing how we can learn from each other. I would like to get to know you and I welcome you to contact me at any time. Marty
charlieandcathy Premium
Hello Marty and thanks for the reply how are things going with your training have you got anywhere with it? what training are you doing right now..I have just stared the WA blog and got it all set up for artices that I am going to write....
charlieandcathy Premium
I am just setting up my profile here at my space ! hope you all have a great day now I am going to look for some buddies.
charlieandcathy Premium
I have just got up here its so early I must be crazy but I have so much to do :0))) hope everyone is haveing a great day
charlieandcathy Premium
hey guys been busy today I wrote five articles and posted them to different directories actually I have took a break and doing my last one and going to put it on my hubpage. Talk to you all soon.

charlieandcathy Premium
I haven't been here for a whlie I was busy with making my capure page for hostgator but haven't got the chance to upload it yet. I have also been busy with lesson 3 its all go here how about you?
