My #1 Position for my Blogger Blog on google

Last Update: April 25, 2010

 I have built a Blogger blog  promoting WA i guess as a test to see what can happen. I wrote an article which has  been on page 1,2 and 3. So i hadn't checked the status of my Blog for any standings on Google,not  even thinking it would be found fo rmy keyword phrase. Well lo and behold  i typed in the phrase and it's on page #1 bouncing between #1 or #2  position with Wealthy Affiliates. I was so surprised (wow) of course still haven't made a sale.If anyone checks it out please and i mean please i drop me some constructive input.

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muskyblood Premium
Very Nice blog. I searched it and you are number 1. You will have sales in no time with a quality blog like that. Awesome work.
mllnmhawk Premium
That's awesome, has to be a great feeling! I just searched it, still about 5th on the 1st page. Good Job!
Jamie Smith Premium
congrats on your success!