Which way to go

Last Update: February 24, 2010

So this is my first post, well, not really i put in a previous post but, evidently did something (Like did not click SAVE!!! hellooo!!!) wrong because it did not show.

 Kind of feels like i have entered a dimenson of sight and sound and also of mind.

Anyway IM is very confusing,i think i'm going into one niche and then i read Master Squidoo has banned many many Lenses,Google vanquishes 15,000,

Holy Moly what's a newbie to do.Which markets and are they in the market i am considering. So is that normal to put in all the work.

 And what happens to all the content and work people put into those lenses.Are they also in the Twilight Zone much like my 1st post.

OK  OK i am a bound and determined to get this IM business to work.

 I too have been swept into the craze of buying programs over the last 1 1/2 years trying to get my brain wrapped around it all. My brain  feels like its oozzzing out and WA seems  to be the place to be ,the start up guide is Finally a step by step that actually makes sense.

Anyway see ya,got to go into the JOB i have done for 28 years and am not happy in.

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