Posts by Christian Walker 20
June 28, 2012
As the old country tune goes, Some days are diamonds and some days are stone. Today is stone. First of all the Supremes--NOT the musical group--decided that we all have to buy insurance or get fined and that is OK with the constitution. Then I am looking at the search results for a major keyword I had before penguin and am trying to get back.The guy that owns first place in all of Google for that word has exactly 2 domains pointing at his site. One of which has 2 backlinks and the other ha
It is funny, but the best lesson I have learned here at WA is not about SEO, PPC, Blogging, or even how to earn more money online. Instead it is the lesson that is ignored by too many internet marketer wannabe's. Show Me The Money We too often concentrate only on how much money this will make or how that technique will increase our ctr. WA has taught me that this is sure-fire way to fail--eve if you make a lot of money doing it.Instead WA has taught me to focus on value. Create something
January 19, 2011
 Well, I can say that breaking into the niche I choose has been much harder than I thought.  I have earned $ 7000 and some lose change since starting here in July of 09.  Since last summer things have been flat. I am not a big blogger;  I am writing this because I am sick of writing niche articles that bring hops but no hopes.  I am through with doing that.   $7000 is not a wage, but I suppose if I had been employed it would have been a nice vacation. Giving Up... S
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June 29, 2010
Well I am up to 30 articles now.  I think I will switch my my chart to reflect the running totals and instead of reporting day by day I will report by number of articles written.  This should kill some of the monotony of listing day 23, day 24 etc. Articles Clicks sales Sign-ups 30 11 4 0 These 4 sales were due to a promo.  But still it was articles that drove them to the promo.  I am not reporting visitors because I am experimenting with another traffic sources and I ha
June 16, 2010
  Visitors Clicks Lists Sign-ups Sales 3 0 0 0  I must admit, cranking out two articles a day and creating matching landing pages with out sales is hard on my patients, but then again that is one of my many known flaws. I hate to wait.  However, I am committed to this campaign no matter what.  Having discovered some golden keywords in the health niche has spoiled me for this nickle and dime stuff of writing and writing for just 6 clicks. Still I know I have just start
June 14, 2010
  Visitors Clicks Lists Sign-ups Sales 1 0 0 0 As they say, "some days are diamonds and some days are stone."  I wrote two articles to day and created another landing page.
June 12, 2010
Visitors Clicks Lists Sign-ups Sales  18 2 2 0 OK, I'm finally catching up on my journal.  I have written 6 articles and another landing page these three days.  I also played 36 holes of golf, so it kept me busy. I have to admit that I get impatient to see sales start coming in, but at least I have a blue print to follow and I plan on following it. I would like to add PPC to this campaign, but I have never had success with PPC ever.  I have an account with Google even a
June 09, 2010
  Visitors Clicks Lists Sign-ups Sales 14 0 0 0 Wrote two more articles and made a new new landing page.
June 07, 2010
  Visitors Clicks Lists Sign-ups Sales 3 1 2 0 A pretty good day.  I wrote two articles and created a new landing page.  I had two sign ups.  So far the articles are doing the job.  I will be interested to see how all of this will translate into sales. CW    
June 06, 2010
Visitors Clicks Lists Sign-ups Sales 6 0 1 0 I picked my 10 keywords for the week.  I am pleased with the visitors I have been getting.  They have been evenly split between Ezine and Articles Base.  It will still remain to be seen whether this will translate into sales. The new price has me worried. So far I am converting  19% of my visitors into leads.