What Do I Do Next?

Last Update: January 19, 2011

 Well, I can say that breaking into the niche I choose has been much harder than I thought.  I have earned $ 7000 and some lose change since starting here in July of 09.  Since last summer things have been flat.

I am not a big blogger;  I am writing this because I am sick of writing niche articles that bring hops but no hopes.  I am through with doing that.   $7000 is not a wage, but I suppose if I had been employed it would have been a nice vacation.

Giving Up...

So, what do I do now that my hopes of becoming a successful affiliate marketer in this niche are done?  I could start all over in another niche--parish the thought.  I could just give this whole dream of making a living on the internet up--not an option. 

...and moving on

After much thought I have decided to switch from becoming an affiliate in this niche to being a vendor.  I have assembled a team of 3 other people as determined and, frankly, broke as I am and we are combining our skills to produce an amazing ebook and continuity  site.

After all, the affiliate scene in this niche is clogged with several layers of affiliates that you have to get through to get to the good traffic.  If you do manage to find a crack where a few pennies slip through the bigger fish quickly move in and close the gap. So...

Why not flip the game?  Why not get the very competitors who hog the front row on traffic to promote my product?  Hmmm?  Well, that is where I am at and I'll be d#*ned if I will let failure out last me.


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veristis Premium
Sounds like a good time to be a vendor. Keep in mind this is coming from a newbie.

Still, making that kind of money in one niche doesn't sound so terrible.

Just spit balling here... What if you use those dominant affiliate to promote your own ebook, and within that ebook recommend your site as a good source for more information? Based on your 2 year history in one niche, I bet it is a solid site.