Making My Way!

Last Update: April 28, 2010

hello everyone!

 I just want to update my status and let you all know that I now have accounts with Google ad words and associates! I have my first advertising campaign with Google up and running promoting WA, however I don't know how effective my keywords are. This PPC ad has been up for about five days with no hits, haha.

 I also now have an account with, and I  have two publish blogs! I'd use Amazon Associates account and linked two appropriate ads within these blogs, and I'm seeing pretty decent results as far as traffic is concerned. 

The only roadblock I've come across, is trying to get my site Rubix websites published. I have looked in the forums for advice,but I'm obviously missing something simple in trying to get this done.  Does Anyone have any advice for me or could point me to a link as a how-to video on publishing site rubix?

 thank you in advance, and good luck to everyone! Thanks for reading this!



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