The whirlwind (For Newbs like me)

Last Update: April 14, 2010

Okay, so I have finished my first full week here at WA, and have learned A LOT! The amount of information I need to learn however, is huge. I found it overwhelming at first (like most, I'm sure) but very early on, I realized that I needed to take a systematic approach to all of this info. The take action training lessons are GREAT! There is a little down time in between lessons and applying those lessons. It may be a big help to you very new users (like me) to start focusing on only one thing. A good example of this would be to start learning about how to buy a web domain (name of a web site) I recommend

There, you can purchase .info sites for only .89 cents/ year. This is very cheap and would allow you to practice building off of this site. Carson has a good tutorial on how to transfer your new domain here to WA for free hosting! Once you have a website, you can then learn so much more about to create an income for your site using the numerous techniques here at WA. As I said, I am incredibly new here but I wanted to let you you guys know that I'm seeing the light and realizing the potential that IM (Internet Marketing) has! I am so excited to continue learning about this whole process, and I wish everybody all the success that they deserve! I will be blogging regularly as my knowledge progresses!

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