
Last Update: February 04, 2010

"Focus" is not just the title of this blog, it's also a command to myself, and to anyone else who reads this.

 I got so unfocused recently, I kept jumping from thing to thing, hoping for the miracle to make this all a little easier. But I could never stick to anything all the way through because I would just quickly jump to something else. 

You know what happens when you get unfocused like that? You start thinking about ALL the things you have going on and how much you have to do, and you end up doing nothing due to the overwhelment! 

Not exactly the way to zoom up the success ladder. :) 

I'm one of those type of people who gets bored easily and gets overly excited about something new. And I think it's great to have lots of different campaigns... as long as you follow through and finish each of them all the way through before moving to the next one! 

(BTW, what is finished? I don't know. I guess campaigns are never finished, but I suppose I'm thinking of it as being done enough that it kind of runs on its own with only a little tweaking once in a while, and it brings in a consistent income.)

Now, thanks to a very helpful person on this site - you know who you are if you read this - I've set my focus back on one particular campaign that I started some time ago, but didn't finish.

While doing this campaign the first time, I got overwhelmed by the need to write all of those articles. And holy moly, what about all that backlinking? Ugh, yuck, blah. It was TOO much for my brain to comprehend and sort out. 

 And why are things different now? Well, now I'm taking it one step at a time. One article at a time. I'm relaxed about it, and letting it flow. 

Success doesn't start by taking a bunch of action and doing, doing, doing until you pass out from exhaustion. Success starts in the mind, and the mind will lead you to inspired action. Inspired action feels really, really good, it doesn't feel like overwhelment. It doesn't feel like the NEED to do things. You WANT to do them. Now, THAT is the miracle to making this all easier. :)

So, my advice is to find a way to move away from the feeling of overwhelment and instead move toward the feeling of being focused. Maybe by: 

#1. Not thinking about the hundreds of articles you need to write. Take it one article at a time.

#2. Visualizing the end result. Think of how great you'll feel when you start seeing consistent sales. 

No matter where you are in your journey, just remember that it IS a journey. No matter how good or bad it feels right now, it's all leading to something bigger and better.  Enjoy the ride! :)


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jatdebeaune Premium
I like what you said. Focus is the issue. I went back to meditating and exercising, and both are helping. You don't have to stress out. Sometimes answers are as clear as the nose on your face. If you just settle down and still your monkey brain, things will flow.
cld111 Premium
@ JD Pacero - you're absolutely right (as usual! :) ) Thanks again for all your help again. Oops, guess I called you out. :)

@ lady affiliate - I have 2 kids, and yes, it can be challenging to focus in the day with them. So I do what I can in the day, and put all of my focus in at night after they go to bed. We can only do what we can do! One step at a time...
lady affiliate Premium
I love your post....
Easy but difficult to do ....because as mom 3 kids sometimes i can't focus to do my checklist.....

Thank you.....
JDPacero Premium
Eww my post comes out weird
JDPacero Premium

One article at a time

One post at a time

Even if you temporarily lose your footing, keeping the article engine/habits going will really help you out :) Once you have extra articles all over the place, you'll find out it's a great "problem" to have

Good habits will lead the way... finding out the most recent "best way" of submitting/backlinkign is ALWAYS a click away...'


Good article writing habits are a little further than that :) So if you "WISH" for ONE problem... Let it be slight confusion on the backlinking part =)

Keep goinggg nice post, keep me up to date =)