Posts by Coffeekeg 7
A while back I got a great tip from Justin from Site Fling on getting backlinks through being a blog guest on someone's blog. The problem is that finding people to be a blog guest for is tough. People just don't advertise requests for blog guests. So my 'project wheels' went into motion once again and I thought it would be a great idea to have a forum dedicated to finding blog hosts and blog guests for either quality backlinks or unique articles. Here is how it works: For a Blog Guest you would
This is a very interesting and scary read.... On June 16, 2010 Governor Christie kicked Judge Morley off the bench from Burlington County Superior Court—but not before Morley could throw an innocent local businessman in jail for driving from one residence to another with his lawfully purchased firearms! At trial Brian Aitken’s defense team showed the jury Brian’s three FBI background checks to lawfully purchase firearms, a number of witnesses—including a Mount Laurel police officer—tes
October 04, 2010
Having a great time working on the article club. It is keeping me focused and working steadily and consistently. Kinda reminds me of driving in the snow...going slow and steady will get you to your destination!
1 comment
Well, looks like I am joining the masses of the unemployed. Kind of glad. Instead of putting in 60 hours a week for someone else, I can be devoting that time to my affiliate businesses. So here is to a new and successful journey!
1 comment
December 25, 2009
Just want to say Merry Christmas to Everyone!  We found a new house to move into so our Christmas is a bit lean this year. But we are healthy, happy and safe and that is all that matters.   Hope your family is enjoying the Holidays!  Brenda
December 02, 2009
Well won't be much more activity on WA from me for a little while at least. Our landlord has decided she wants to sell our house and has given us 15 day to move...Joy, Joy!
My New Niche Article Directory LoveLife Articles I just wanted to announce my new niche article directory called LoveLifeArticles. This article directory is geared towards the dating, breaking up, marriage, divorce, wedding, and relationship niche. So if you have some niche articles in these categories that you would like to submit feel free to head on over and submit your articles. Thanks and Good Luck in your endeavors! Brenda