Posts by Countrygirl47 2
June 02, 2012
Hello Everyone,Okay so... I went to Jay's wabinar yesterday and as always it was a lot of fun and some good advice. I changed the theme of my WA website and I have already started building an email list.Jay's advice yesterday was that our WA theme should set us apart from each other since there are quite a few of us building them. Well, Jay used different words of course but the message is the same :)So I did just that and changed my theme. I like it better and obviously my targeted mark
April 11, 2012
Hello, If you are new to WAU I would like to say Welcome and that I have been with WA for almost 6 months now and if you need help don't hesitate to ask me. You can reach me here now that there has been an overhaul of Wealthy Affiliate University! Not that it was not a good program before but now it is even better. I would also like to add that while you are learning during the 30 day success program that you take a break if you start to feel overwhelmed. But don't worry too much a