
Last Update: May 02, 2012


If you are new to WAU I would like to say Welcome and that I have been with WA for almost 6 months now and if you need help don't hesitate to ask me. You can reach me here now that there has been an overhaul of Wealthy Affiliate University! Not that it was not a good program before but now it is even better.

I would also like to add that while you are learning during the 30 day success program that you take a break if you start to feel overwhelmed. But don't worry too much about this because just when you feel that your brain is about to explode with all the relevant information that you are learning is when Kyle or Carson will give you a break.

At least that's how it felt to me. When my brain was the most tired and feeling like it was about to burst is when that email for a break would be in the inbox. Just be certain that you do take that time to go over what you are learning or take the time to catch up. Most importantly you want to use this time to just relax, go for a walk or spend it with family.

I did not necessarily stop working during the break but I found that I was able to breath for a day and catch up on what I did not get finished the other days of the program and actually spend a little time with family or friends.

During your training you will find out some wonderful things about yourself. Such as, you can accomplish your goals of learning how to set up a website, write articles get traffic to your website and sell other people stuff. You will also see that it gets easier the more you learn and apply what you are learning. After all accomplishments feel great, If some one had told me 6 months ago that I would be able to do all the things that we accomplish with this program I would not have believed them.

With that said, I would like to offer you my two cents as far as article writing. If you find that you need extra help writing articles check out my article at Squidoo entitled, "How to Write and Submit an article" Hopefully this will be a compliment to what you are learning now in the 30 day success program.

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Golfdad72 Premium
Countrygirl, thanks for the sound advice I will definitely take heed to it and yes I am following pot pie girl as well she seems to have a endless amount of knowlege. Yes I have a couple of clickbank products out there as well on my Golf league website and have made my first internet dollar as of yesterday. I have never been so excited about earning 27 bucks before in my life. It got me motivated so I have been working all day today though. Please keep in touch and thanks!
Countrygirl47 Premium
That is so cool! Yes it does feel good doesn't it :) Keep doing what you are doing. Your success probably came from your niche being something you like to do and know about so keep up the good work!
Golfdad72 Premium
Countrygirl thanks for comment about website I always appreciate any feedback I can get from a trained eye. I haven't monetized it yet trying to get it up in the SERP's. But it seems to be creeping up slowly, want to make it helpful as possible.

Yes day 10 is about siteflipping, in which they talk about the possibility selling your site once it becomes a valuable asset (i think i'm a long way from this though). Haven't really got to that part yet though just finished item one yestersday that took me 3 or 4 hours unfortunately, so hope to get through other steps today. Which are:
(1) Create 1 page targeting one keyword concept (complete)
(2) Write article targeting keyword from new page
(3) Submit article to StreetArticles
(4) Go to flippa see what sites are selling for

Sitting down to write an article on main keyword right now as a matter a fact. I always check the WA board before I begin working just to see what's going on with everyone else. Sitting down and writing is the biggest challenge for me so far I actually like building pages for site though. Before I decided to pursue internet marketing in January of this year, I built and maintained a website for my golf league for about 3 yrs ago.

Have you written very many articles? Who do you submit them to besides Are the articles a strong source of traffic? I only have wriitten 1 article so far but i don't think any traffic has come from it.
Countrygirl47 Premium
Hello Golfdad72,

Well I appreciate that trained eye part. You are doing good to not rush the monetizing of your site. You probably want to check out your options as far as programs to use to monetize it. It takes me a while to figure things out event with all this great information here at WA. So I am just now getting into some really good programs to monetize my blogs.

I have a couple programs I am working with but there is a vast amount of money making systems out there. I don't like rushing because I find I make mistakes so I am trying to just stick with Click Bank for now cause there is a wealth of knowledge.

You may want to sell your site at some point so take in the knowledge here. I know sometimes you may feel that the site will not get to the point of sale but trust me it will as long as you have applied what you are learning in your 30 day program and after.

Now writing articles hmm... this is a whole different subject. I HATE writing articles. In fact the only time I write a good article is when I am talking about writing articles! You can see that article here @ Take a look at it this may help you along with what you are learning now.

As far as using other article directories it took me all of 5.5 months before I started venturing away from the Street Article directory because for me I had to take my time and learn there first so most of my articles at Street Squidoo pays people to write articles there but I needed to first learn to write articles. I"ve written probably 15-16 articles. The more you write the easier it gets:)

The articles are definitely a strong source. Especially because this is free traffic and once you have a couple of articles out there and they are keyword sufficient you will see a difference in the traffic to your site. Keywords get easier too:). For me keywords are my worse nightmare it took almost two months before I noticed traffic to my site.

I was discouraged but by sticking with writing my articles I started getting traffic to my site so don't give up and don't rush though you seem to know this when I read what you are saying in this blog. You will be okay:)

I would like to recommend that you look up Pot Pie Girl if you haven't already and follow her. Her knowledge will come in handy and is a great compliment to what you are learning.

Take Care for Now
Countrygirl47 Premium
Day 10, that means that you are probably on website flipping. I am taking this from my day 10. I liked the 30 day program so I kept all the training to go back and look over. So you have to tell me if that is what day 10 is about. I saw your website it looks like money to me. Most people are interested in golfing and getting their swing adjusted. What you will learn here will help you get traffic and buyers or if your are already making money the training will help perfect your skills.
Golfdad72 Premium
Day 10
Golfdad72 Premium
Countrygirl appreciate the hospitality and look forward to picking your brain about some of this stuff...: )
Countrygirl47 Premium
Hello Golfdad72, You sure can pick my brain. What day of the 30 day success club are you on?