First Blog

Last Update: February 07, 2010

It's only been a week on board the Wealthy Affiliate University monster.  Since that time, I have taken to reading most of the getting started guide and reading various posts on the forums of people in distress or in success.  I know it's going to be a rocky trip, but I'm in it for the long haul. 

I now have a clearer understanding of what this Internet Marketing beast really is and how much potential is in it.  If I can give any advice at all to anyone coming in after me is TAKE THE TIME TO READ THE GETTING STARTED GUIDE.  I don't mean just skim through it, I mean read every word and go through ALL the supporting links and documentation the guide points to.   It will take you a few days or even weeks, however,  If you don't, you will end up learning the hard way with wasted time and efforts. 

 Sure you could skip the guide, but then you would be wasting your time and everyone else's time on here with questions that would have been answered by the guide. After reading it, you should have a solid foundation to start your IM campaign.  Good luck and hope I can help


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kurri Premium
Ha! Ha! ... I couldn't have described WAU better ... "monster". Yet, what a great resource monster it is!
Clay Mac Premium
Ok , that's what I'll do ,and will keep you posted!