About Kurri
Joined February 2009
Kurri's Accomplishments

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TJ Books Premium
Welcome! Click on my pic to reply. Work hard! This is the Place to Learn to Earn. John
TJ Books Premium
Let me know if I can help. John
TJ Books Premium
Go ahead!
TJ Books Premium
Thank You, Kurri! Joining for my Second Year next week. John
TJ Books Premium
I sent you a PM regarding your request.

Make sure it is signed:
John T. Jones, Ph.D.

College Student Premium
hey John
glad my resource could be of help to you
renmark Premium
Wow1 what lovely scenery. What part of the world is this, China, or Japan? I am from the Caribbean twin island of Trinidad & Tobago.
kurri Premium
Hey Renmark,

The mountain pic was taken north of Tokyo near Nikko, and the others are of my home town in Aotearoa .... glad you like them!
Kirst Premium
Welcome to WA. You found the right place. WA will give you everything you need to get you started and successful online. BUT IT TAKES TIME! The 8 week learning progam is a great starting point and then if you want more check the learners section. THe same tutorials that you cover in the 8 weeks are included there.
Also check the forum. Many of my questions were answered there. Have you found the HELP tab on the blue menu bar on the left of your page? Click there and you will see WAepedia. Its a great wikipedia for WA!!
Do you blog at all? If not then look at blogger.com and get familiar with setting up your own private blog. You will need that down the road when you start setting up a campaign.
All the best.
Kirst Premium
maybe you will get here ONE DAY - soon, once you making it online.
FINANCIAL FREEDOM is what we are aiming for right?!
All the best.
Glad things are going well.
Kirst Premium
Name: Kirsten Gima
Job: English Language teacher and HOUSEWIFE! (thats a BIG JOB!)
Why I joined WA: I believed it to be the BEST way to learn about Affiliate Marketing. I didnt have to pay for any extras once I joined and always got support. I also started working online as a long term investment in my future.


Kirst Premium
HI Kuri
Could I ask you to return the favor and write a comment on my WAU testimonial lens?


You can write it in the guest book section about half way through the lens.

only if you have time.


Kirst Premium

could you try this one!

I dont know why it didnt work. did you try to cut and paste it into your browser?

The one i gave you before was my testimonial, but the one i have given you above is my review and thats actually where i want the testimonials!


Kirst Premium
thanks kurri
have some gold!
yeah - now i just gotta get some good articles pointing at it.
have a few small ideas and niche groups
i know WAU is the best so its easy to write
thanks again
Kirst Premium
no prob
you can add my blog as a link if you so wish!

Kirsten Gima
kurri Premium
Hi Kirst,
Thanks for your welcome and comments. I am moving along with the 8 week plan and have just started week three. I will take a better look at the forums also.
Great pic of the dolphins ... a pity I never got to Okinanwa. All the best.
kurri Premium
Hi Kirst,
Goie Dag! Konnichi wa!

I am writing an article to promote WAU and want to include a brief description of people who joined WAU for various reasons: Nom-de-plume, job, country and a brief sentence about joining. Could I include you?
kurri Premium
Thanks Kirsten - Cheers to your success!
kurri Premium
Hi Kirsten,

I tried to access your squidoo lens to add a testimonial ... but could'nt get through.

Maybe I'm not doin it right? help!
kurri Premium
Hi Kirsten,

I've just completed my small blurb on your squidoo review page ...
Wow! Pretty cool page and really professional to boot!
All Power to your campaign ... let the moolah come rollin on in!!
kurri Premium
Hi Kirsten,
A month or two back I asked for permission and received a brief testimony about why you joined WA. Recently, I have been working on a WA page and would like to transfer your testimony over to it. Is that ok? One other favour - could I add your pic with the dolphins?
When I finish - I will send you the URL to check it out.
kurri Premium
Thanks Kirsten ... I've added your blogspot ... looks pretty cool!
johnson1506 Premium
Welcome New Member, I hope you are really successful! If your need any help please contact me on my blog etc! Take care, James UK,
kurri Premium
Thanks James for the welcome and support. Good Luck to you as well.