EZA Slap! EZA just shocked my pants off.

Last Update: December 20, 2010

So... I have been told that to write good articles that will get me good traffic and be indexed on the first page, I should ensure that the article is relevant, and that the keyword density is between (this one varies depending on who's preaching) 1-3 or 2-4. But in essence above 1.

 Like the saint I am, I adhere to these instructions as best I can. Articles stay relevant and my keyword density floats around the high 1s. 1.6.-2.0

 This is the case for all 10 articles that I have submitted so far to EZA. (Yes, I am awaiting Platinum status) 6 of these articles have been approved. However today 4 that weren't yet approved were all thrown into the problem articles folder. I was shocked to see the reason below. This was sent to me in my mailbox.


"Issue 1 (Section 1.m)
Excessive keywords or phrases will not be accepted in your articles. The keyword or phrase in violation is ^&*(%$#@ %$^ #$%^&*( !@#$%^&*. Your target keyphrase should not be repeated more than once every 100 words."


 I really don't want to swear but WHAT THE $%^& do I do now? Am I supposed to have my keyword density less than 1%. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of having a targeted keyword and themed article?

 Please do respond with anything you think might be helpful. Also, I'm pretty surprised at the inconsistency of EZA policy, because my other articles have the keyword repeated more than once every 100 words, but they were approved, and then suddenly this weird thing happened.



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You notice all the "&^%^%#*&^(%@&*$%&^@#$" in my blog. Well that WAS the keyword I was targeting. I've had the accidental, 4+ % KW thing happen too, and what I do is I go and try to submit it at GoArticles and GoArticles tells you which KW is above the 4% mark. Even if it wasn't a KW I was targeting.

I made a couple of edits (not to the KW and resubmitted) and surprise surprise, 3 of the 4 are now accepted. While 1 is still in review.

EZA is being a little fussy these days. One more approved article and I think I get Platinum status. (not sure how it works)

anyway, thanks again for the help.
jatdebeaune Premium
That's very annoying. Something that has helped me is to put every possible keywoord that is in my article into the keyword density counter in the WA keyword tool. In a few instances, a keyword I was not targeting at all had a keyword density of 4. I just went back and eliminated some of those words until the density was 3. EZA is OK with that.
WRI Premium
BTW... Now you are blessed
WRI Premium
BS EZA is double talking now good eyes see it
DABK Premium
Different editors interpret the policies differently. S/he might be talking about keywords you weren't even thinking about. Or, taking 1 word, and considering it your keyword.

For instance, it's easy to write about home mortgage refinance and have 'home mortgage refinance' and 'reverse mortgage' appear once or twice every 100 words. But it's darn hard to do the same for mortgage.
Go look through your article, make some words plural or find an -ing construction (as in mortgaging your house) and resubmit.