GoArticles OR ArticlesBase

Last Update: December 19, 2010

Now, my EZA has 4 more posts awaiting approval prior to me getting Platinum. Hope that happens soon, but I'm giving it 3-4 days more (estimate)before that happens.

In the meantime, I'm not slowing down my article writing, pumping out 3-5 articles a day, I really need to know the right place to put them. I would've put them in both GoArticles and ArticlesBase but I read a tutorial from either Kyle Or Carson, that said Google doesn't like replicated or (non-unique) content. The tutorial specifically pointed out that I shouldn't put the identical article in 2 different directories. Although I have heard some others here at WA advocate the opposite.

 Nevertheless, until I get confirmation on this issue, I'm going to be submitting to only one directory at a time. Now here's my issue. ArticlesBase? or GoArticles? Which would give my articles better leverage. One thing I don't like about GoArticles is that they don't let me specify my keywords, so I'm not sure if they identify some of my long-tail keywords as keywords. (some are up to 7 words long) But GoArticles does post them up immediately.

 Would greatly appreciate hearing your opinions on this.


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DABK Premium
I too vote both. Because the one that gets indexed first will (maybe) show in SERPs and get you visitors in addition to backlinks while the other one will GET YOU BACKLINKS. And them things is yummy as hell. Then, after they're published in these 2 directories, submit to ezinearticles.com. Make sure you submit under the same pen name.
magistudio Premium Plus
My vote is submit the same article to both at the same time and see which article indexes first.
So just like the helpful people here at WA my mind is split 50/50. cos articlesbase lets me add keywords but goarticles is quick. I also checked my identical articles, and some of them are better ranked in articlesbase and others in goarticles.
So there's no clear winner.
onefineham Premium
I say GoArticles, the backlinks are Do Follow (articlesbase is not) and the approval is instant with submission (articlesbase is quick approval but not instant).
Wayne Hudler Premium
IMO go with ArticlesBase. They are very quick to post and give you the keywords.