Setting a couple of goals.

Last Update: November 27, 2010

I want to set myself some timelines for while I'm here at WA... 

These timelines are going to be based on some short term goals. I'll add on long term goals as I learn a little bit more about how and what I will be doing here.

Goal 1: I want to make my first sale here at WA by the end of December. I am not referring to sales made to friends of mine who are interested in the WA program. So Dec 31st... Before 2010 is out. :)

Goal 2: I want to have at least one up and running campaign that brings in consistent traffic and sales, and at least 2 other campaigns in the works. In addition to this, I want to have at least US$500 coming in monthly. All this by the end of June 2011...


Truth be told, I'm actually more ambitious than this and want to surpass these goals sooner than my given deadlines, but I don't want to set myself up for disappointment.

So, my dear WA community; I hope for your help to keep me on track and invaluable support, help and feedback that will help me achieve these goals.


cheers and God bless,


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