Posts by Crazycanuck 2
Do you have children?  Well I do and i LOVE them.  In fact, this is why I'm doing this.  I want to be here for my children when they come home from school and when they are on summer vacation.  HOWEVER, now that it's summer my time for WA has come to a stand still.  I am now behind on where I want to be and I am frustrated...... sigh......... 
June 04, 2010
Well I'm pretty new (just about a week) and I REALLY want this to work in the worst way.  Every spare minute I have I have been reading and doing and working on my travel blog to try and keep myself motivated.  I can't wait to learn what I am doing wrong so I can make it right and start making some mooooola!  It can be pretty addictive (I'm staying up way too late working at this...LOL)  I am very excited to make some money even if it's $10.....So I shall