Rubbing My Eyes

Last Update: June 04, 2010

Well I'm pretty new (just about a week) and I REALLY want this to work in the worst way.  Every spare minute I have I have been reading and doing and working on my travel blog to try and keep myself motivated.  I can't wait to learn what I am doing wrong so I can make it right and start making some mooooola!  It can be pretty addictive (I'm staying up way too late working at this...LOL)  I am very excited to make some money even if it's $10.....So I shall cross my fingers and toes and keep plugging away...YAWN! 

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parkmouse4 Premium
I'm about at the same point as you...except that I don't have a blog yet. I got a little side-tracked today when doing my research and ended up on the 10 best blogs for Generation Y. Very inspiring. But they were so DARN GOOD, that it's a little discouraging. These people know how to get themselves OUT there and known! Aren't you super excited to just "get" it, and start doing more than reading? I know I am...can't wait to be an expert, or at least just increase my rank here at WA! Good luck to us both :)
Garage667 Premium
That's the spirit!Wish you the best of luck and success here at WA!Keep up the good work and don't be afraid!Go get them! :)