Brand Spankin' New To This...

Last Update: September 25, 2009

So this is my first blog post. I really like this feature. I'm the type of person who likes to write their thoughts out so this will come in very handy. Well, I am on the $1 trial membership as of now...hopefully by next week I will have enough to continue on. lol. Right now I work as a freelance copywriter, which is someone who writes content like articles and sales letters for websites. So I have a pretty decent idea of what I have gotten myself into. Whether or not I'll be a booming success is yet to be seen.... :/ But I am hoping for the best.

So what, does anyone else think that Carson is incredibly cute? lol. Okay, just needed to get that out there...

So, since I have this annoying habit of not budgeting out my time properly, I will have to start making a daily schedule for myself. I've been putting it off. I HATE schedules. I can never stick to them and I don't like people telling me what to do at every hour of the day (even if that person is me! Hmph.). But, seeing as I have a lot on my plate right now, it would be the best thing to do. I write for Demand Studios, which is my main source of income, and also I am working on building up my article count on websites like eHow and Suite101 so I'll gain some residual income from them. So WA fits right in with the direction I'm going in.

I suppose that's all for's about time I head to bed. O'er and out!

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Terry Neal Premium
have you considered writing for other members?You could post in the jobs section.