$61,796.49 in revenue?

Last Update: August 08, 2012
Below is the link to a case study. It's got some good info, check it out:

What do you think of the guy's sales funnel?
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IveTriedThat Premium
Eh, yeah he's making a lot of money but at what cost? The people buying into these "$87/hour work at home jobs" and "Data entry positions" are usually the ones who are in the most dire of situations and can't afford to lose money.

I don't think much of his funnel.
DABK Premium
Thanks for commenting. Why don't you think much of his funnel?
jpnetco Premium
I personally think it's overkill. Reminds me of a desperate car salesman during a fire sale, you know, where the boss says, if you don't sell a car, you're fired. I'm sure it works for him but for me there seems to be no true value there, just a bunch of cpa type promos that are playing upon the desperation of the unemployed or dissatisfied. Sad way to make a living in my eyes. Just my opinion though.
DABK Premium
What would you do instead? Forget for a moment what he sells... (I don't know what he sells... And I put this up here because of how he sells. Also, by the way, I came to WA via a 'work for home for dads' site. As a result of me being dissatisfied with my situation... I would have not joined, had the site owner not 'preyed' upon my dissatisfaction, desire for change.)
jpnetco Premium
Sorry, but it's difficult to ignore what he is selling, I presumed from his screenshots of his case study that with this particular offer of mega multiple cpa actions what he is hawking holds no more value to me than teets on a boar hog. If a product or service has true value, it doesn't have to be hyped to oblivion for people who truly need it, to buy it. Sales funnels such as this leave me feeling like a lab rat in a maze gone wrong. What would I do instead? Just what I am trying to do and learn to do, provide honest and genuine information, products and or services based upon my true feelings for their authenticity and performance, rather than loading my slingshot with a fistful of bb's to see if I can hit a buyer.
Oh, and by the way, when anyone "preys" upon my anything their results will be nothing. I too came to WA upon the recommendation and referral of another site, but I never felt preyed upon by them, they were patient, methodical and genuine in their efforts to educate me on the value of WA. There's a real difference between a proper courting and playing grab ass, a proper courting will get the girl every time.
So like I said before, I don't like the guys sales funnel, no matter what his product is, I don't respond favorably to overbearing sale first ask how ya doin later types, but also, like I said earlier, that's just me. I reckon it takes all kinds.