List of Article Directories I Like

Last Update: September 18, 2011
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DABK Premium
@Joan. I publish the same article 5 to 10 times. Then I change and repeat. I also publish some on places that only want unique (one of a kind), like
veronica.l Premium
Thanks for the list always looking for article directories to publish my articles at. Another good one is PR7.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks for the list Dusan. Are you publishing the same article in a few places, or changing them up a bit so that it won't be duplicate content? Just curious.
DABK Premium
Yes. It doesn't fit my 'like' requirements. I like to copy, paste, be done. It's got issues that make that impossible. Plus, for now, one of a kind content I create goes on my sites.
Labman_1 Premium
I don't see SA on there. Any particular reason?