The Future Is Today! Google's Up To Something Again

Last Update: August 11, 2011

Read the article.  It's about Google wanting to rank higher pages where the author has a Google profile.  Read, then let me know your thoughts.
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kyle Premium Plus
I think the Author profile hype will pass...just like Google +1.
robert2704 Premium
I agree with Joan, not into scattering my mug across the Internet. Authority/Ranking should be based on the quality of the content you write that people take the time to read. Time on site is enough to tell that. Not whether your part of a Google profile network. I've said it many a time before and I'll say it again. I "can't stand social media".
Naganco Premium
I've been debating joining Google+ and setting up a Google profile, so thanks for sharing this article. Good point about the multiple/fake pen names. I understand why Google wants to weed out junk content. We all want that, but it seems like they keep making it harder and harder for those people with the desire to provide them with the content that they want. Anyway, the debate continues.
DABK Premium
Joan, it's not hard to set up. I have the same problem. Also, I don't see how it could accomplish the stated goal: author authority. I don't think the people who're pilfering my articles now, people who have no qualms about using them without giving me my links or credit, are going to have a problem with this.

I mean, what's to stop them for creating a tool that searches for all the articles someone has, collect them, and publish them under a fake author with photo profile and all?

I do see how Google will benefit for a while (till too many people game the newly tweaked system).

What do you do if you write under 3 pen names? You create 3 google profiles? Then back to the previous point, what's to stop someone to create fake profiles, and publish my articles and yours under the fake, very trustworthy, profile?
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks for that Dusan. What bothers me is that I don't want my face everywhere Google wants to put it. It's spooky to me. Can you use an avatar? Also, how difficult is it to set up?