Began As a Reply...Joking a Little Much...

Last Update: June 10, 2012
I want to thank everyone here who has been supportive. I'm sorry folks. This post concerns replies I get sometimes from a certain individual. I chose to remove the more details that were here about it.

I don't always take very well to joking. It's fine when delivered on occasion, but it begins to show a bit of ridicule, that is sore spot in me.

Yes folks, though I'm not a qualifying candidate to joke (because I can't do this without it backfiring, getting into trouble, and I look like the fool,) so I don't least not to people who I don't know or don't know very well.

Some people are bold to do that. Some probe others by joking. Some people joke at some of the things I say and I try to express myself without making an ass of myself doing it. (Yes, this is a challenge...even for the best of writers)

Again, I'm cordially thankful to all the people here who have been by my side and at times, I, myself, have let you all down because of my inability to stay focused and be able to slide into the common discussions here.

I must always look back and deem myself so thankful that, so far, I have not had to return to a life of homelessness, even though I'm technically homeless. I do not have the kind of relationships that most homeless people have...I've chosen some time ago, to stick with people with minds that grow, encourage, are positive, truthful and honest, who look up wards instead of downwards in spite of current conditions.

I do have my on-times and my off-times. Hey folks, I admit...I'm not right up there at the the top of the social monarchy. I have a lot of personality issues. Most people like myself wouldn't even be in a place like this. I've been a handful here at times. It's all part of my idiosyncrasies the deep feeling inside of me that has been the drive behind me.

It's a long discourse about this issue and myself. All I ask...if you want to talk to me. I'm all open about it. If you are going to leave snide remarks each time you reply here, don't


It wastes my energy that much more and, though I've been through some really awful times in my life, I ask that...if you want to be nice to me...all well and good. I reciprocate the best ways that I can.

It comes in waves for me. Life goes up and down like a yo-yo. I don't like. Many of us here wouldn't like it. But it happens to some of us who are trying to catch up to where we need to be in life. My battles are different than yours...and for you to see me fall, get up, fall, get up fall, etc...

Don't laugh. False security is a bad thing. For you who have nothing better to do than to exonerate your friends, but poke jokes at things they perceive as corny, each time I put something here, all I ask of you is...


These are my feelings. I know humor is a part of socialization, but ridicule does its part in tearing down. For those who do this...does it feel good when something you've said has caused another to give up and lose out? Yes, we do have that bloodthirstiness inside of us that can be left unchecked. Most people bemoan others who fall.

Others like to laugh at them. Bad for them they have such an elevated view on life for their fall would hurt worse than mine own.

For you who marked up my blog with your snideness, taken off. There is only one individual here. No discussions on who this is please.
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klrrider Premium
I agree with you totally. I have experienced offending others with my sarcastic like humor. Wasn't intended but still had to apologize. All of us need to be more aware of both sides of this issue. I think comments and texting have allowed us to be less compassionate towards others. It is a little different when it is face to face!

I was watching Jeeves and Wooster a couple of nights ago and Wooster asked Jeeves "Do you know everything?" and Jeeves said "I don't really know."

I just thought I would throw that in... It was really funny at the time.
Unless a person knows you, if you use the sarcastic humour (humor however it is supposed to be spelled) you stand the chance of turning some people off. That is quite a funny play on words in that show. LOL! It's worth repeating to friends.
Carson Premium Plus
Hey Carson, I got your PM and returned. I really didn't give the controls any thought. I will keep this in mind in the future. Handling sarcasm is something I need to work on. Another member pointed out doing that can be a sign of insecurity. I believe that is true. Putting stuff like that in someone's space can have adverse effects on how others see the thread. That is where my main issue with it is. I deal with enough of that offline, even with some of my friends, and that's not needed here.
BIS Premium

I'm sorry that you've been upset by someone's comment. Humour is often a very personal thing - but ridicule is unnecessary. You seem to have taken sensible steps to stem it.

Take care

Thanks Beverly. About a year ago or more I probably would not have handled it like this. My older posts testify to that. I don't mind joking or humour at times, but when it is for every post I make, and the person's postings offer no support of any kind, this is the kind of replies I don't want. I have learned a lot about being in a group like this over the last two years. I do slip up sometimes, but I come forward if I realize it.

Being shot down publickally for something I've done is better than getting remarks that seem more disrespectful than simply poking fun. I had a problem with this person before if I can remember. I know I'm probably more emotional than most men are and I think that is the "corny" thing.

Humour can be a really good thing if it is not cutting. I would like to learn how to use humour when the time is right for it. It is a vital part of communication.

Being told off about something that needs addressing is also acceptable. Honesty, it was causing me a bit of anxiety writing in my blog, especially that one post, knowing I'd probably get that.

[added: Your writing here has not gone unnoticed by me. I give you a one-up for being very helpful around here. I have been learning about NLP. It isn't easy putting the techniques to use. My oldest website is on alternative health. I have learned so much from it over the last few years. It is incredible how many things there are that can help expand the mind...simple things forgotten by most.]
suem Premium
Don't let this person get you down. Having to fight to get to where you want to be makes you a much stronger person than someone who gets there more easily. Perhaps you should name and shame so others can see this person in their true colours! :)
I've been doing this in stride. Usually the little remarks don't bother me, though I do feel them for what they are. I unfollowed the person, asked him to stop. It was just the very first thing I saw when I came on here this morning. I have a lot of irons in the fire. It has been thus for a long time. So I do flounder and fall around here. It looks funny to some people.

Not saying I'm wobbling around like a cripple, but I do have long-standing issues I've not only become aware of my being honest with myself but have been working with personal empowerment, NLP and some downright basic life skills, eating, excercise, balances, etc.

I'm sure the person who resorts to making fun of others, doesn't mean anything by it, but words do hurt...subtly. Words are very powerful, as we all (as internet marketers) know very well.

I've been going through a slump the last few weeks. Why my following has suddenly spiked upward and my ranking rose all the way to "3" for the last month has occurred, I'm not sure. This has to be an error in the system. I tell myself. I have been looking at that with less seriousness, thinking it "too good to be true" and not been living up to it. That needs to change regardless.

If I earned the ranking, I need to know what got me there and not disrupt the flow, however minor that is. I have been working on something very nice for the Membership, but it's taking a lot of thought on how to put it right, providing me a revenue and a local WA campaign using the array.

I need to spike my Invited and finish my New Resources, as well as get some of my campaigns making money...because I know I'm beyond that point now and there is no reason for this lack.

Actually there ARE reasons for the lack, the chiefest of these being inaction and inconsistency.

Things are still very unstable for me and it goes up and down. I'm in a down curve right now, but know that one of the upswings will go beyond the threshold and my life has changed. I have my good days here and my bad. Little by little, I've been peeling away the layers as an onion the woes that have been keeping me from being successful.

Small as this issue is, I felt I needed to say something about it.