I Commend the WA Membership!

Last Update: March 17, 2011

Many of you know I've been having some real issues with my job.  I have been working day-by-day with this situation.  One of the best things that could have ever come along in my life is Wealthy Affiliate!

The reason for this post is because I had gotten a PM from one of the members here offering to set me up in a domain.  My website for WA has been down due to almost having lost my income over it.  It really goes to show just how much your job can control more of your life than you would ever think!

Yes, I actually had to take it out of publication (actually hid it) or go find another job.  I will NEVER show anything like this to my employers again!  I wrote back to the person who offered to help me.  I thought it would be good to put some of what I had written to him here.  There is NO WAY my boss is going to make me give up my dreams.  If anyone is the intrepid one here, it's my boss!  I do not say that lightly.

I've played his little game with him.  He almost caused me to get rid of what I had worked on for so long, but that thought was very short-lived when I got the idea to patch this thing up as I have.  I'm getting ready to pull the band-aid off very soon.

Yabba-Dabba-Dooo.com Will Be Back in All It's Glory...

I will be putting my website back up soon. It is "hidden." That is, I made a new header and made the website look like a 404 Error page. It's all on my Wordpress blog. Hey, they're not going to know the difference. I did this so I could get my boss' wife to see it. The way I did this was tell her I was having Internet connection problems (the truth) and that I needed her to open the website to "see if it was no longer live." That she has seen this, I have been waiting for a bit more time to pass...just in case my boss has the urge to look again.

I've already found that I can't say anything to his wife without it going to him, so it's another reason why I do not share anything about my life anymore.  I say, "Why not use this to my advantage?" ...and I did.

The guy is very nosy and my personal business is his business if he could just have it that way. More control for him. NOT! I've done an about-face with him and instead of telling him all about my aspirations, I tell him I've given up on it and that I do not have the aptitude for it. He really thought I was trying to make myself better than him and it made him jealous...or that what I wrote was a threat to his own intelligence.

The guy is an arm-chair quarterback...a real couch potato...and it shows, both physically and intelligently.

The site wasn't making any money because I have not done the SEO for it.  It will be getting linkwheels, etc. BTW, I wonder what's up with the $1 special? It was supposed to be over by now but it is still up on the landing page. Did they extend this or something? Why is it still there?

My computer was hacked (along with several others in the United States.) The hacker lives in Taiwan. My boss asked me today what was going on in my life because since that day when he really unloaded on me, I have been saying very little to him. I've said things just out of the blue and it has riled him all up and I wound up in a hornet's nest!

The guy is tighter than a drum and if you were to work for him, Watch out! I told him about the hack that occurred and is "just another reason to stay away from the Internet." Since he doesn't know anything about Internet marketing or what can be done to protect a computer, I put a renewed scare into him. He told me he would never mess around with purchasing things online. I said, "Wise! Very wise!"

I also know how to put subtle things into my speech to get him to think the way I want him to...this is why I will be restoring my website soon and not have to worry about him looking for it. He won't. Has too much on his plate now to be worried about it. As far as I'm concerned, to him, I've just plain given up on my ideas and settled down to this job.

I Have "Repented." ...Or So My Boss Thinks...

I'm working on building up funds for a year subscription here. I have $220 raised for that now. It is a really touchy situation with my job and I'm hoping to get up the rest of the funds and get it into WA before something happens and I wind up having to use the funds for rent.

If I can get it in, it's a done deal. This way, I have leveraged off my crappy job and got some good out of it...a year at WA in which I can work in it with no fear that I could lose it any month.

Golly, one of these days, one of these silly stupid things that I "mess up" with is going to get me canned! He's obviously using the scare tactic on me...the fear factor to keep me in line and do exactly what he wants.

I have no problem with doing things his way...it's his franchise and I work for him...but c'mon...getting a lesson on how to wet a chamois cloth because I was wetting it in a way he disapproves??? That's too far! I'm 51 years old and don't need to be given an lengthy lesson on how to put water on a chamois and wring it out!

Who would ever guess that a lousy car-washing job could have so much psychological pressure with it...an $8/hour job! It's a real joke. I consider myself fortunate I did find this because as things are around here and my work history and all, I could have still been looking for a job today...and have lost WA two months ago! How would I consider myself fortunate with such an awful work situation? Can only be done when I keep myself focused on the goal ahead and not the process of getting there.

To the Person Who Offered Help...And to the Rest of WA!

I appreciate your willingness to help me! I commend you! I could create a new domain if I wanted to, but I've also had quite a number of people tell me to put that site back up...including Jay and Kyle. I will. I'm giving it just a few more days and I will put it back as it was...with not a single word removed. When I can get the funds up for WA, I won't care if he sees the awful remarks people from WA said of my boss. I think it's really funny!

My boss wouldn't think so, but I've got to give him just a little slack. Poor guy almost had a heart attack trying to get out of a Mustang that he had me drive him to pick up a truck in. I didn't think he was going to be able to get out of the seat!  The only thing I've ever seen this guy eat is McDonalds food...with the exception of pizza once in a while. I bet he weighs close to 400 pounds.

I bet if I took all the stuff I've written about him and the job,...and what others have said, make a pdf file of it and sent it to his computer he'd fire me ten times! :twisted: Now...now...Daniel! Let's be nice!

The quicker I can reach my goal with regard to WA, the better. If the guy fires me, he loses good help and I will just find another way...but I don't want to lose WA in the process. I'm playing dead opossum with my boss right now. So, to him, I'll be that dumb loser who couldn't find his way out of a paper bag! He will never know anything about my campaigns again...never!

The support I get from here has kept me going on the quest I've chosen to traverse.  Every age has its wonderful things...sometimes things we may take for granted whilst we have them...and then really know what we're missing when it no longer exists.

This won't happen to WA any time soon, but it most certainly is a phenomenon in our time!

Once again, my biggest and warmest THANK YOU to Kyle and Carson...and all the wonderful members here at Wealthy Affiliate!



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In his own way, my father was worse than my boss. I won't even go there. Again, I strongly suspect he is intimidated by the things I know and this is what he was attacking. I have been stringing him along with regard to my usage of the Internet. I do have problems with my connection but not to the extent he believes I do now! I'm now just a little over $100 away from getting my yearly subscription rate! My next month's payment will be that. I'm having problems with my PayPal account. My computer got hacked and it's tying that all up due to unauthorized transactions that took place. It's going to be a close call again! WA will try for the third time...just about when the investigation is supposed to be over. I may have to re-subscribe again. When I get that $100 up, my boss, nor any other problem is going to be a threat to my membership here! Can't wait!
jatdebeaune Premium
He sounds like a character from a novel. Imagine if he were your father. I think employers really hate it when you have outside work, unless they are exceptional people. They think it's taking something away from them.
Labman_1 Premium
It's funny that he thinks he's rich. I'm sure he is making a good living off of his little franchise but just think what the owners of the franchise are making. If he doesn't keel over...in a few years... Drive in in one of your own Mustangs and twist the noose a bit.
Yes, it really is. But it is sad to that people like my boss get higher position in life and have to spend even more thinking this is how the rich do it. There's a huge difference between being rich monetarily and making a slave of one's self in a business because of mishandling funds.
stegmasterj Premium