Hometown - Parkersburg, WV
Current Home - Columbus, OH
Graduated from the University of Dayton in 1991 with a Degree in Business Administration, worked in Atlanta for a while and then settled in with my current employer, the City of Columbus. I met my beautiful wife Terri in the cubicle next to me. I've held several positions with the City and am currently an Analyst in the Department of Public Service. I work with the Capital Budget and write legislation mainly. I have always searched for something that I really think I want to do, but I have always known I wanted to have my own business. Over the last year I have also realized that I want to be involved in remodeling or "flipping" houses. I think Wealthy Affiliates will offer that opportunity for me by helping me to build the necessary Capital. I look forward to the hard work and hope to achieve many goals working with all the Wealthy Affiliate Community. I have also set a goal to donate at least 5% of anything I make to a charity. I have 3 healthy children and my favorite charity is research for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.